
Tire-d Ramblings
Hey, that's me!!
So I've been driving around with these two farters for several days now. In that time, I've seen more different kinds of asphalt than you can shake a quart of 10w30 at. In Virginia I was feeling a little randy because I hadn't opened it up after the tuneup I got before I left. Man, I was flyin'. My air to gas ratio is sharp and my sparks are totally synched! Felt great! That cop really liked chasing me down, I'm sure. Hahaha.

I've got some pointers for you fellow gas-guzzlers out there:

South-Central Pennsylvania: HOLD YOUR INTAKE!
It's like shit factories galore out there!...I mean, wow. I have my nose 5 inches from the ground all times and I smell all kinds of stuff...but that state!?!? Wow.

Exit 297 off the I-40 in Tennessee: could you make the grade any steeper? Jeeeeeez.

I kinda miss Connecticut, but hey, life is but a one-way path to the junk yard anyways!

More updates to come.


our first day/night of driving was interesting:

parts of Pennsylvania smell bad.
I though my nose will fall off, while my nostrils burned in agony, as we were passing by Chambersburg, PA. Seems like such little town, with such enormous stench!

sleeping in a car is not very comfortable.
Although clean bathrooms totally make up for shitty sleep. Who thought West Virgina trucker rest stops had such delightful amenities

Virginia is very pretty in some areas.
which in my case lead to distraction, which let to not watching the speedometer, which lead to this:



I never knew a ball of cheese could be so....
While this photo may seemingly say nothing about this great country of mine, I like it, so I'm leading with it. Karolina (in the glasses) and myself (IN the glasses) are on a vast road trip across America. We'll be out and about for two months, give or take. One awesome destination is Anchorage, Alaska, for the World Beard and Moustache Championships on May 23. While we're not technically "driving there", we'll still be there in full force.

Anywho, we've driven hog-wild (pardon the expression) through Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Virginias and Tennessee. We find ourself in Memphis without a blog update, so we're encapsulating now. Expect more frequent updates imminently!
Have a nice day,